My computer is slow. What should I do?
How old is the computer? Are you sure it’s not your network? Are other computers in the house/office slow? If yes, first reboot your router and modem. If no, bring your computer to TMC2 for a check up.
How do you know when it’s time to replace a computer?
On average, the useful life of a PC is 4 to 5 years. The useful life of a Mac is 7 to 8 years. It’s always less costly in time, money, and stress to replace your computer before it dies. You will have time to research and shop around—and to make sure you have a backup in place!
What computers do you recommend?
We publish general guidelines for new computers. Download our guidelines for PC or Mac. We also carry a few PC desktops and laptops. Contact us to find out which models we currently have in stock.
What kind of anti-virus software do you recommend?
Security is critical, so we’re glad you asked. Currently, we recommend Vipre Advanced Anti-virus for both homes and businesses.
What kind of Backup Solutions do you recommend?
Online backup is one of the best investments you can make.
Should I buy a PC or Mac?
Often, this is a matter of personal preference and budget. Individuals who work with visual or audio arts, such as designers, often prefer a Mac. Businesses who are heavily invested in Microsoft Office Products are usually happier with a PC. If budget is a consideration, a MacBook Pro can cost 2 to 3 times more than a Windows laptop.
I keep falling off the network/my network is slow. What do I do?
First, restart your modem/router. If that doesn’t help, then call your internet service provider. Ask them to test your modem and your line. They can and should do this while they are on the phone with you. If, after trying these steps, you find you are still having problems, contact us.
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